Cherokee Music: A Rich Tapestry of Melody and Rhythm

Music transforms us. It invigorates our senses, soothes our souls, and can even transport us across time and space. Music is a universal language, harmonious and captivating, drawing us in with its unique blend of rhythm and melody to share stories, traditions, and culture. One such rich musical tradition hails from the Cherokee Nation dwelling in the United States, primarily in Oklahoma and North Carolina. Today, we will delve into the spirited domain of Cherokee music, tracing its roots and evolution, while savouring its unique style.

The Unyielding Voice of the Cherokee People

Cherokee music, like most indigenous music, is deeply grounded in tradition, spirituality, and storytelling. This vibrant musical culture is instrumental in the celebration of significant events, offering communication with the spiritual realm, and recording the Cherokee’s historical tales[^1^].

Early Cherokee music primarily consisted of voice and percussion, with flutes, rattles, and drums playing a supporting role. The Cherokees believed in the power of voice, seeing it as a potent means of connecting with the spiritual realm and expressing gratitude to various elements of nature. Most time-honored Cherokee songs are chanted in a call-and-response style or sung in unison.

Diverse Melody Carriers: Instruments of the Cherokee

The Cherokee people made and played a variety of musical instruments, with each applied on different occasions. ‘Kilu’, a type of turtle shell rattle, was predominantly used in ceremonial dances, with women wearing them around their legs. The water drum and the groundhog-skin drum echoed rhythm in various dances.

One of Cherokee’s iconic instruments is the river cane flute or ‘Tsalagi Uwele.’ Known for its mellow and soothing sound, the flute was used for courtship, healing, and meditation. Later, fiddles, banjos, and guitars were integrated into Cherokee music perhaps due to European influence[^2^].

Dances: Rhythmic Narrations of Cherokee History

Dances within the Cherokee culture played a pivotal role in their musical tradition. Each dance was performed to the rhythm of a different song and had a specific purpose, such as celebrations, war preparations, and spiritual ceremonies.

The ‘Stomp Dance’ is central to Cherokee ceremonies. Men, women, and children gather around a fire, maintaining a distinct stomp-like rhythm. Dancers follow the Singer, who resonates with ancient songs, enveloping the dance ground with primeval beats. The dance continues throughout the night, bringing the community together, fostering unity and solidarity.

Evolution Through Time and Influence

Through the centuries, Cherokee’s indigenous music was inevitably shaped by external influences. The Trail of Tears in the 1830s, forced many Cherokees to assimilate into Western society while they held onto their cultural roots. Subsequently, Cherokee music evolved, integrating elements of bluegrass, country, rock, and gospel, creating a unique fusion of styles that vibrantly thrives today.

Contemporary Cherokee Music

Modern Cherokee musicians expertly weave history and tradition into contemporary musical styles. Artists like Tommy Wildcat, Micheal Jacobs, and Pura Fé, have significantly influenced the contemporary Cherokee music scene. From stirring flute music to riveting rock performances, these artists channel their heritage in a way that resonates with the younger generation while preserving their rich culture.

The Cherokee National Youth Choir, too, reignites Cherokee youth’s interest in their language and musical traditions. The choir performs traditional Cherokee songs, rendered in the Cherokee language, subtly preserving their ancestral language through their music.


Cherokee music is profoundly interwoven within their culture and identity. Through joyous celebration dances, solemn spiritual ceremonies, or heart-rending stories of trials and hardships, music has served as the voice of the Cherokee people for centuries. Today, modern Cherokee music strikes a balance between maintaining cultural traditions while ushering in a fusion of different musical styles.

Though having experienced turmoil and adversity, the Cherokee have resiliently held onto their music, passing it from generation to generation. As we enjoy the modern renditions of Cherokee music, let us always remember the roots from where it sprang, a poignant reminder of their vibrant culture, their history, their struggles, and ultimately, their unyielding spirit.

[^1^]: G-Cherokee-Life, Dynamics of Cherokee Music and dance. Link

[^2^]: C-Wagner, Cherokee Music: Instruments, Dance & Traditional Songs. Link

[^3^]: B-Carl, Sharing Our Traditions: Cherokee Music. Link

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